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Contact Island Dog Obedience

Aloha! Thank you so much for your interest in Island Dog Obedience. Please, fill out the form below in as much detail as possible so that we are best able to understand and address your puppy’s specific needs

We try to respond personally to all our emails within 48 business hours. While we do accept consultations and training session on weekends, our office business hours are Monday – Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Hawaii time. We will be closed on all holidays and weekends.

Dog standing on it's hind legs

Please Give Us Details About Your Pup So We can Create an Individualized Training Program For You

Credit Cards that we take

We promise to keep your contact information completely confidential and never use your email for anything other than to contact you directly about your pet’s needs.

P: 808-428-9917
