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Virtual Dog Training

  • Dogs playing in the park after a training session


Online Virtual Dog Training

Our virtual dog training program provides personalized, one-on-one video instruction in the fundamentals of training your dog. Our techniques lay the foundation for good behavior and allow you to build upon that foundation while strengthening the bond between you and your pet.

Get Started

30 Minute Lesson

Our 30 minute virtual puppy consultation includes techniques on how to approach training your new pup, eCollar instructions, and 1 Basic Obedience command to get you started.

This option is perfect for new dog owners, those unfamiliar with the eCollar, and puppy parents wanting their dog to follow their commands and prevent selective hearing right from the get go. 

No aggression virtual lessons possible

$65 / session
Get Started

60 Minute Lesson

Our 60 minute virtual dog training session includes eCollar introduction, basic obedience with minor behavior modification, and a roadmap for training your pup from your own home. 

In your first session we will teach you how to build stability with basic commands and how to apply the commands in public. You will recieve follow up steps and instructions specific to your lession and progress. 

No aggression virtual lessons possible

 $130 / session
Get Started

What To Expect

Because every dog’s needs are different, we create a custom training program specifically designed for your pup. During our consultation, we will discuss the behavioral adjustments you are looking for and put together the perfect training plan for your furry baby.

We want you to be as confident in our process as we are. To help us with this, please be as descriptive as possible when filling out the contact form. We look forward to meeting you and your pup!

Check out our FAQ's

What will I need to prepare before the lesson?

The main requirements for the lession is access to strong internet. You will also need a device (phone, laptop, computer) with a camera so the instructor can see how you are working with your dog and give better, more detailed instructions.

What should I expect once the training is complete?

During the training session we will give you instructions on things you can work on with your pup every day. These best practices will ensure long standing obedience and a better relationship between you and your furry friend.

We will also send specific training material (homework) to you once the training is complete to help give you a structured guideline toward training your dog at home.

Who is this training NOT for?

This training is not for dogs who require major behavior modification such as human aggression and severe anxiety.

These obedience issues are best addressed by a trained professional in person.

If you are not in Oahu, we are more than happy to help direct you to a qualified trainer in your area so please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or requests.

Will I need more than one virtual lesson?

It all depends on the needs of your dog, however, you will recieve more than enough instruction in one lesson to help you feel like a confident puppy parent.

We follow up with all of our clients in order to provide continued support and make sure there are no unanswered questions.

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